William McCaskey and Adaline Dinsmore Chapman Foundation
Endowment Fund Grants Report Format
Please submit a brief report annually by June 30, on use of the original endowment grant funding made to your organization prior to 2000. At a minimum we would like the following information.
Total contributions to your endowment from the Chapman Foundation prior to 2000.
$ _____________________
Total amount of your endowment fund at this date.
$ _____________________ Date _____________________
What percentage of your total endowment contributions came from the Chapman Foundation?
What is your endowment spending rate?
Amount of Chapman Funds distributed for scholarship in the past year.
$ _____________________
Provide a brief description of the students who were supported and their progress. It is not necessary to identify by name; however, if possible, please include age, gender, community of family residence and any other information of interest regarding their qualification and accomplishments.