Please use a single paper clip to hold the pages of the application. Please do not use staples, bind the application, or place it in a folder. Do not send the application by registered mail.
Organization’s legal name:
Year the organization was founded:
Legal Status: 501(C)3 501(C)3a Tax Exempt Public School
California State Attorney General Registration Number:
Federal Tax ID Number:
Organization Address:
Organization website:
Contact for this proposal:
Contact’s daytime phone number:
Contact’s email:
Mailing address if different from above:
Amount requested
Program/Project Title:
Brief Summary of the specific grant request:
Executive Director/Principal Officer’s
Printed Name: Signature:
Title: Date:
Brevity is appreciated.
The mission of your organization, the programs and services it provides, its annual budget and a list of its trustees, directors, or advisory council.
A description of the purpose of the grant proposal.
What proportion of the budget for the program(s) or project(s) you are requesting from the Chapman Foundation?
The total number of students enrolled and the number that will benefit from the grant proposal, if approved, their ages or grades in school, their residences, demographics, and the economic levels of their families.
If funds are being requested for scholarships, the organization’s financial aid budget and the percentage of students receiving financial assistance.
Expected outputs and anticipated improvements if the grant proposal is approved.
How approval of the grant proposal will increase the motivation of students to prepare for and graduate from college.