The Foundation is limited to providing grants that benefit K-12 students living on the Monterey Peninsula. Locations are specified in the fourth paragraph of the Home Page.
The principal criterion for a successful grant application is a persuasive proposal explaining how the grant will help to motivate students, especially those who are disadvantaged, to prepare for and graduate from college.
Organizations applying for grants from the Chapman Foundation should use the Foundation’s Proposal Format, which can be found in the Main Menu.
Proposals must be postmarked or delivered to the Foundation office by March 1 for consideration in the following academic year. Electronic submissions are acceptable.
To assist organizations with fundraising, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees normally requires grantees to secure additional funds to match the approved grant amount for the same project or program.
The Board of Trustees will review all grant proposals submitted by eligible organizations in accordance with our specified application procedures. Grantee organizations are selected on an objective and non-discriminatory basis, taking into account the merit of the proposals received and the amount of grant funding available.
Notification of approval or rejection will be provided to applicants by early May. Distribution of the approved funds will be available after July 1, upon a written request from the grantee organization that includes information on how the matching fund requirement has been met.
Organizations receiving grants will be asked to sign a Grant Contract, in the format provided by our webpage. It will specify the activity or activities for which Chapman Foundation funding may be used.
To facilitate due diligence by Foundation Trustees, grantees must submit an Annual Report in the format provided on our webpage, due by February 1.
Should you have questions regarding the application process, please contact our Executive Director at